2022-06-21 10:27:00    来源:     作者:    
● 电通国际全球首席执行官Wendy Clark和全球首席创意官Fred Levron在戛纳国际创意节上宣布,电通的全球创意网络——电通创意(Dentsu Creative)正式启动。

● 电通创意将作为电通国际的唯一创意网络,与全球范围内的客户共同协作,凝聚并加速整个业务的创造力。

● 创意将成为电通国际的核心主张,集创意(Creative)、媒体(Media)和客户体验管理(CXM)的精粹,进一步驱动电通的创意宏图并成为最具整合力的全球网络。

6月20日,电通国际宣布一个全新的全球创意网络——电通创意(Dentsu Creative)正式创立。电通创意集合了电通旗下所有的创意代理商,包括dentsuMB和安索帕(Isobar)及其他电通所属创意品牌,并将其服务能力延伸至娱乐营销、兴趣内容以及体验。作为电通宏远战略的一部分,电通创意将以市场上独具广度与深度的创意能力,致力于为客户简化参与流程,并将创意基因深植于电通国际的每一细枝末节。


电通创意以现代创意(Modern Creativity)驱动品牌与业务转型,创造文化、改变社会、开创未来。

电通创意将由Fred Levron领导,他于2021年11月加入电通国际担任全球首席创意官,在其备受赞誉的职业生涯中展现了创意的变革力量。电通创意将由全球46个市场的9000名创意精英组成,他们与电通国际旗下37000名媒体(Media)和CXM专家紧密联结,并与电通在日本的创意团队密切协作。


电通国际全球首席创意官Fred Levron说道:“如果你有机会打造一个专为现代世界而设计的全新全球创意网络,它会是什么样子的?这就是我们通过推出电通创意所要回答的问题。客户、人才和整个行业都在渴望改变:改变我们打造品牌的方式,改变我们合作的形式,改变我们赋予创造力的角色。如果说目前的行业从业者制定了上个世纪的规则,那么我们立志要为未来几十年制定新的规则。”

电通国际全球首席执行官Wendy Clark表示:“在电通,我们正在建立一个在横向创造力辐射下的现代代理商网络,这种创造力将凝聚我们的员工和每个人的能力,以及我们为客户提供的服务。我们很幸运,从日本的文化渊源中汲取了对于工艺、创新和创造力的专注。这一渊源激发了我们对于现代创意的愿景,它诞生于日本,成长于一个互联的世界。电通创意提出简化而现代化的创意主张,满足了客户对我们的需求,打破代理商孤岛与低效,在对的时间,以客户业务机会为中心,交给我们合适的人才去连结。”


石川惠太(Keita Ishikawa),电通创意中国区首席执行官说道:“我相信,现在对于电通创意是一个合适的时间。在中国,我们的客户面临日益复杂与矛盾的挑战,诸如品牌与绩效、数据与创造力、实体世界与虚拟世界、长期与短期、增长与向善。电通创意这一品牌的建立,可以让我们通过一个真正包容多元的文化来回应客户的这些课题。电通创意使我们能够与最优秀的人才一起打造最整合的作品,成为一支向善的全球力量,以极致创新与互联力量激发客户的品牌与业务增长。”

陈民辕(Chris Chen),电通创意中国区首席创意官说道:“在电通创意,我们相信创造力是品牌和业务的终极经济加速器。始终如一地打造杰出的作品是我们对创意的信仰。技术为其赋能,数据使其个性化,人性情感的连结为其增添魅力,现代创意为人群、社区和整个社会都将带来长久深远的影响。”



这也是电通集团(Dentsu Group)继2022年2月宣布为2022-2024注入2500至3000亿日元用于收购投资基金之后,成为首个在业内推出类似举措的企业。


● Dentsu International’s Global CEO, Wendy Clark, and Global CCO Fred Levron announced the launch of Dentsu Creative, dentsu’s global creative network, at Cannes Lions.

● Designed to unify and accelerate creativity across the business, Dentsu Creative will serve as the sole creative network for Dentsu International working with clients around the globe. 

● Creativity will sit at the heart of Dentsu International’s proposition bringing together the best of creative, media and CXM, further supporting dentsu’s ambition to own horizontal creativity and become the most integrated network in the world.

In a bold move, Dentsu International has announced the launch of Dentsu Creative, an entirely new global creative network, uniting all its creative agencies, including dentsuMB and Isobar and dentsu branded creative agencies, and expanding its Entertainment, Earned Attention and Experience capabilities. The launch is part of a broader strategy aimed at simplifying client engagement and injecting creativity in everything Dentsu International does, all backed by a depth and breadth of creative capabilities that are unparalleled in the market.

Dentsu Creative exists to transform brands and businesses through Modern Creativity which looks to deliver ideas that Create Culture, Change Society and Invent the Future.

Led by Fred Levron, who joined Dentsu International as Chief Creative Officer in November 2021 and has demonstrated the transformative power of creativity throughout his acclaimed career; Dentsu Creative will be comprised of 9,000 creative experts in 46 markets connected to 37,000 media and CXM experts across Dentsu International and collaborate closely with Dentsu’s creative team in Japan.

Fred Levron, Chief Creative Officer, Dentsu International said, “If you had the chance to build a brand new global creative network designed for the modern world, what would it look like? That is what we are answering with the launch of Dentsu Creative. Clients, talent and the industry at large are craving for a change: in the way we build brands, in the way we collaborate and in the role we give to creativity. If the current players have set the rules of the previous century, we have the ambition to set the rules for the decades to come.”

Wendy Clark, Global CEO, Dentsu International said: “At dentsu, we’re building a modern agency network fuelled by horizontal creativity – a creativity designed to unify our people, their capabilities and our delivery for clients. We’re fortunate to draw from our Japanese heritage steeped in a relentless focus on craft, innovation and creativity. This legacy inspired our vision for modern creativity that was born in Japan and raised in a connected world. Dentsu Creative offers a simplified, modern creative proposition that answers clients’ needs for us to break down agency silos and inefficiencies and seamlessly connect our talent around the right client opportunities at the right time.”

Keita Ishikawa, China CEO, Dentsu Creative, said: “I believe it is the right time to do this. In China, the challenges facing our clients are increasingly complex and conflicted, brand and performance, data and creativity, physical and virtual, long term and short term, growth and social good. The move to Dentsu Creative will enable us to respond to these needs through a truly inclusive culture. We can do our best integrated work, alongside the best talent, and be the most innovative and connected creative force for good while growing our clients' businesses and brands.”

Chris Chen, China CCO, Dentsu Creative said: “At Dentsu Creative we believe that creativity is the ultimate economic multiplier for brands and businesses. We are committed to delivering consistently excellent and modern creativity-made possible by technology, made personal by data, and made powerful by emotion. We believe it can make a difference to people, to communities, and to the planet.”

Dentsu Creative blends dentsu’s unique DNA of 120-year-old heritage and craft with its rich experience of building brands in the modern media landscape. Using customer intelligence to deliver ideas that are big enough to live anywhere, bold enough to chart new executional territory and rich enough to connect personally with millions. A striking visual identity has been crafted as a creative expression of East meeting West, a signal of the network’s dedication to craft and the transformative power of creativity and to help Dentsu Creative attract and retain the best creative talent.

This will be dentsu’s sole global creative network. Dentsu Creative will be fully operational in Jan 2023. But in China, Isobar brands will not be sunset until the end of Q1 2023 for the better preparation of the transformation.

This industry-first launch follows Dentsu Group’s February 2022 announcement of a JPY 250 to 300 bn acquisition investment fund for 2022-2024.

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