导演Fausto Becatti加盟制作公司Sweetshop(附独家专访)
2022-08-19 15:13:42    来源:     作者:    
全球制作公司 Sweetshop 宣布在大中华区签约导演 Fausto Becatti。

图:导演 Fausto Becatti

Fausto 是一位极具魅力的导演,有着意大利、阿根廷和南非三国血统。他热爱电影制作、摄影、音乐、旅行和冒险。在他的作品中经常可以看到充满激情和让人热血沸腾的视觉元素,让人感觉像是一场狂热的梦——激情满满、活力四射、超凡脱俗。作为一名导演,Fausto 善于将明亮、饱和的视觉效果与深刻的、史诗般的故事情节结合在一起,创造出一种令人回味无穷、陶醉其中的效果。

虽然 Fausto 的内心是一个概念化电影制作人,致力于精心设计画面,但他同时也能够激发演员们真实、热情而充满活力的表演。他尤为擅长将引人注目的电影视觉效果与表达情感的音乐相结合,创作出符合音乐节奏的动感画面。Fausto 努力让片场变得欢乐有趣,他将片场描述为最让他快乐的地方,并真诚地希望其他人在和他一起拍摄时都能有这样的感觉。

Fausto 的作品曾斩获 The One Show 广告奖、D&AD 奖、非洲 Ciclope 奖和 Loeries 奖。

Sweetshop 中国区资深监制 Catherine Law 表示:“Fausto 作品独特的风格和审美给我们留下了深刻的印象。他突破了视觉界限,创作出了植根于故事之中的富有感召力的作品。与他在片场内外合作绝对是一种享受。我们已经迫不及待地想看看我们在 Sweetshop 能一起擦出什么样的火花。”

Sweetshop 全球首席执行官 Wilf Sweetland 表示:“我们对 Fausto 和他的广告片中所表现的精湛技艺给予高度评价。在创造最宏大的场景时,他也有一双发现细节的美丽眼睛。在他的整个作品中,他所表达的那种亲密感和引人入胜的风格贯穿始终,强烈地吸引着观众的注意力。Fausto 是一个富有创造力和协作能力的人,也是一个非常了不起的人。他选择加入 Sweetshop,我们感到非常兴奋。”

Fausto 补充道:“作为一名年轻的电影制作人,我见证了 Sweetshop 在过去几年里所获得的成功,非常欣赏它的制作和创意,能够有机会加入这个团队,我感到非常荣幸。我们已经跃跃欲试,期待与 Sweetshop 团队一起做出与众不同、令人难忘的作品!此外,与中国的创作者们共事真的很令人兴奋!”

《中国广告》独家采访了导演 Fausto Becatti 和 Sweetshop 资深监制 Catherine Law,进一步了解了为何 Fausto 选择进入大中华市场,以及制作公司在该地区采取的战略方针。

您为什么选择 Sweetshop 作为您在大中华区的代理?您与 Sweetshop 的合作是如何开始的?

Fausto Becatti我在 2021 年开始与 Sweetshop 合作,为虎牌啤酒导演了一个大型的广告片,主角是托特纳姆热刺队的孙兴民。我非常喜欢与整个团队合作的经历,无论从经验丰富的制作人才还是整个团队的积极态度方面。Sweetshop 有一个强大的网络,由一群可爱和有才华的人组成,我想和这样一个了不起的团队一起探索在亚洲的工作。我很高兴能与像 Sweetshop 这样拥有非凡声誉的制作公司合作。


Fausto Becatti我关注中国广告已经很长时间了,我喜欢从中国制作的作品,我对未来的合作前景和下一步的发展感到非常兴奋。这里对于广泛而纯粹的创意来说有很大的发展空间,特别是在游戏和汽车广告领域。我相信我的拍摄风格和我的作品会带来一种新的方法——我热衷于在市场上创造别具一格的作品。除此之外,我喜欢探索新的文化,让自己融入不同的市场之中。这也是我的激情所在。

Sweetshop 在中国已经成立了五年。为什么你们采取了与更多外国导演合作的策略?这样的策略是否适合中国市场的需求?Sweetshop 是否有计划在未来吸纳更多的本土导演?

Catherine LawSweetshop 在中国推出的差异点是能够制作出具备国际水准的内容,同时也对本地品牌和机构有深入的了解。我们有平衡的人才组合,兼具中国导演人才以及国际导演的力量。越来越多的导演在上海和整个大中华区与我们合作。这也是我们的目的——为我们的导演提供越来越广的范围和越来越多的机会。


我们的大多数导演喜欢探索不同国家和地区的多元文化。对我们的导演来说,中国是一个新鲜而前卫的地方,它有独特的、充满活力的文化,这使它成为导演们的绝佳体验地。Fausto 是一个非常特别的导演,他的作品充满了激情和活力。我们相信,中国和 Fausto 完美匹配。凭借我们在中国的本土洞察力和经验,以及我们本土制作团队的强大支持,无论人才来自哪里,我们都能给予他们有力的支持。

如需进一步了解导演 Fausto Becatti,请联系 Catherine Law:


(以下为英文版 English version as follows)

Director Fausto Becatti has signed with Sweetshop for representation in Greater China.

Fausto is a heady mix of Italian, Argentinian and South African. He lives for filmmaking as well as photography, music, travel, and adventure. This electric, hot blooded background can be seen in Fausto’s work which often feels like a fever dream – passionate, vibrant and other worldly. As a director, Fausto pairs bright, saturated visuals with poignant, epic storytelling for an evocative, all-consuming result.

While a conceptual filmmaker at heart, driven to craft considered, designed imagery, Fausto also evokes authentic, passionate and energised performances from his cast. particularly skilled at pairing striking cinematic visuals with emotive music, crafting images that pulse to a beat. Fausto strives to keep things fun and happy on set, describing it as his absolute happy place, with a genuine desire that everyone else feels that way when shooting with him.

Fausto’s work has been awarded at The One Show, D&AD, Ciclope Africa and The Loeries Awards.

Catherine Law, Senior Executive Producer of Sweetshop China said, “We have been immensely impressed by Fausto’s distinct style and aesthetic in his work. He pushes the boundaries with visuals, creating evocative work that is rooted in story. And he is an absolute pleasure to work with on and off set. We can’t wait to see what we will do together at Sweetshop.”

Wilf Sweetland, CEO of Sweetshop said, “We hold Fausto and the craft he conveys in his commercials in the highest regard. He has a beautiful eye for detail, when creating even the grandest of scenes. Throughout his work he expresses both a sense of intimacy and style that draws in the audience, demanding their attention. Fausto is creative, collaborative, and a wonderful human being, and we are thrilled that he has chosen to join Sweetshop.”

Fausto added, “As a young filmmaker, I have witnessed the success of Sweetshop over the past years, and admired its craft and creativity very much, so it is a great honor for me to have this opportunity to join the team. We can't wait to make distinctive and memorable work together with the great team! In addition, working with Chinese creatives is really exciting!”

China Advertising caught up with Fausto Becatti and Sweetshop's senior executive producer Catherine Law—to learn further about why Fausto chose to enter the Chinese market as well as the strategic insights harnessed by the production house in the region.

Why did you choose Sweetshop as your agent in Greater China? How do you start your cooperation with Sweetshop?

Fausto Becatti: I started working with Sweetshop in 2021 and Directed a large-scale campaign for Tiger Beer featuring Son Heung-Min from Tottenham Hotspur. I really enjoyed the experience working with the whole team; from the experienced production talent and positive attitudes from the whole group. There is a strong network of lovely and talented people at Sweetshop, and I wanted to explore the work coming out of Asia with such an amazing team. I’m excited to begin work with a production house such as Sweetshop that has such an extraordinary reputation.

You have a highly unique shooting style. What did you know about Chinese culture before? Have you watched any Chinese advertising works? Which works impressed you much? What kind of works do you expect to create in the Chinese market, or what breakthrough would you like to make in a new market?

Fausto Becatti: I have been following Chinese advertising for a long time., I love the work that has been exported from China and I'm really excited about the future potential and what comes next. There is a lot of room for expansive and unadulterated creativity, especially in the gaming and car commercials realms. I believe my style of shooting and my showreel will bring a fresh approach - I'm passionate about creating standout work in the market. Aside from that, I love exploring new cultures, and immersing myself in different markets. It’s a passion of mine.

Sweetshop has been established in China for five years. Why have you adopted a strategy of working with more foreign directors? Is such a strategy suitable for the needs of the Chinese market? Does Sweetshop have any plans to absorb more local directors in the future?

Catherine Law: Sweetshop launched in China with a point of difference of being able to produce content to an international standard, while also having an intimate understanding of local brands and agencies. We have a balanced mix of Chinese directing talent on the ground, coupled with the strength of our international Director roster. An increasing number of our Directors have been working with us in Shanghai and across Greater China. And this is what we’re all about – giving our roster an increasing range and an increasing number of opportunities.

The audience in China wants to see inspirational stories. We’re increasingly following strong characters, real or fictional, who have gripping stories and all that comes with it.

Most of our directors like to explore diverse cultures of different countries and regions. China is a new and avant-garde location for our directors, with its distinct and vibrant culture, which makes it an excellent place to experience for a director. Fausto is a very special director, and his works are full of passion and vitality. We believe that China and Fausto match perfectly. With our local insight and experiences in China and the strong support from our production local teams, we can always support our talent no matter where they come from.

To work with Fausto, contact Catherine Law at catherine.law@thesweetshop.cn

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